Cultural sustainability
Remaining true to her fashion ethos, Irina Tosheva focuses deeply on cultural sustainability, spending half a year in tireless research, nurturing and affirming the cultural identity of the Yuruks in the country. This community has existed since the 14 century and remains faithful to its specific beliefs.

Inspired by this socio-cultural phenomenon, using her fashion language, the designer skillfully translated certain elements of their clothing in a fashion context, recognizable for the brand and her work. The whole approach was documented in a fashion video “OYA” and a documentary video “Petals”.

The documentary shows the conversations with several different generations from the village of Alikoch and folklorist Prof. Dr. Vladimir Janevski, about their characteristic and colorful clothes.

The public presentation and talks with part of the team were at Europe House Skopje.

The project is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.